Tag Archives: Manicure kit

Which varnish color should you favor this fall?

In the fall, the landscape is adorned with pretty warm colors that make us want to do the same on our fingertips. But, which varnish color should you favor this fall? Today, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you answers in this article. 1. Earthy shades Earthy tones are particularly popular for dressing up our nails in the fall. These sober, […]

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Steps to stop biting your nails

Onychophagia, in other words biting the nails or simply putting them in the mouth. The consequences are sometimes significant, so it is normal to want to quit. So to help you change this habit, Maryton nail supply have prepared some steps that can help you concretely! The preparation 1. Awareness of our habits: First and foremost, watch when and where you […]

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How to have pretty nails this summer?

With or without varnish, the manicure must always be impeccable. Here is our secrets to displaying beautiful hands without too much effort. Take out your manicure kit and follow us! Simple formatting Filing your nails and give them a nice rounded or almond effect. With a glass file, which won’t weakens the keratin and won’t makes the nail brittle. Attention: you must always operate […]

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