Tag Archives: Nail art

Top 4 trendy nail shapes

When the appointment with a manicurist approaches, we all have doubts like these: Ballerina or stiletto nail shape? What nail shape for a short nail? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you the top 4 trendy nail shapes in this article. Almond shaped nail The almond-shaped nail is perfect for achieving a classic style that is as neat as it is natural. It […]

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What are tortoise nails?

Does the tortoiseshell nail trend speak to you? Wonder if you have seen or heard of this kind of nail art? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will explain everything about this trend and its variations to you. Just keep reading! Actually, tortoiseshell nails have nothing to do with the nails whose varnish begins to flake. It is a matter of replicating patterns in certain […]

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What is Gummy Tips (American technique)?

Do you know the Gummy Tips in nails? What is Gummy Tips exactly? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will explain everything to you in this article. Gummy tips is the name of this latest American nail technique. It involves using pre-formed gel capsules and placing and modeling them on the nails of your clients. It’s the ultra-practical and resistant gel capsule application technique […]

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