Tag Archives: Nail biting

What are the tips to stop biting your nails?

If you bite your nails, you know how annoying this mania is. And how hard it is to get rid of it! The biggest negative point is that bitten nails have an unattractive appearanceā€¦ And it is often difficult to hide them. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will reveal how to stop biting your nails in this article. Just keep reading! Nail […]

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How to stop biting your nails?

Biting your nails not only hurts your plate, but leaves the pupa bare and very painful. Not to mention that it can irreparably deform them over time…. If you’ve decided to stop this “savage behavior,” your nail supply specialist Maryton has some tips to help you overcome this bad habit. Treatments a bit long but effective You may or may not have […]

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Steps to stop biting your nails

Onychophagia, in other words biting the nails or simply putting them in the mouth. The consequences are sometimes significant, so it is normal to want to quit. So to help you change this habit, Maryton nail supply have prepared some steps that can help you concretely! The preparation 1. Awareness of our habits: First and foremost, watch when and where you […]

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