Tag Archives: Nail files

Grandma’s remedies for brittle nails: natural and effective solutions

Brittle nails can be a real headache, especially when you love taking care of your hands. Fortunately, our dear grandmothers had more than one trick up their sleeve to strengthen and beautify fragile nails. Today, Maryton walks you through discovering some natural remedies to get rid of ridged and brittle nails. Oil baths to nourish brittle nails Olive oil: the ally of […]

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Nail files, a super practical manicure tool

Indeed, nail file is a professional tool for shortening, smoothing, defining, removing product, giving precise shape to the nail and mattifying it. Nail files are not all the same, there are as many types as there are uses. In short, it is an essential tool for carrying out any treatment, no nail technician can do without it. Grain Indicates abrasiveness, just check […]

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What type of nail file can I use on natural nails?

Natural nails are known to be fragile and can be easily damaged. If we want to file natural nails, what grit should we choose? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers. Keep reading! To file the natural nail plate, it is recommended to choose a file whose grain is between 180 and 240. A 100/180 or 180/240 file is often […]

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