Tag Archives: wireless headphones

PaMu Slide with Two Weeks of Battery Life

Amazing TWS Headhones Deals on Indiegogo

Today, we’ll be reviewing a Bluetooth earbuds from Padmate, so let’s get started, let us see what is inside the box. Inside the box we got some ear tips, really useful, there are small, medium, and large. And we have a USB type-c cable which is really convenient and charges faster, since my MacBook and Samsung devices are old using […]

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PaMu Slide: Airpods Terminator With a Pre-set Price $49

Pamu Slide is a true wireless headphones that is dubbed ‘Black Airpods’ or ‘Airpods Killer’ and has been supported by more than 80,000 people with a fund-raising amount of more than 4 million USD. So what’s this special headset for? Let’s find out together. Design Pamu Slide’s design looks a bit like an Airpods, which is why it is called […]

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PaMu Scroll: the Most Famous Headphones on The Web

PaMu Scroll: the Most Famous Headphones on The Web

You have certainly heard of it. Not because these PaMu Scrolls are the product of a company famous for the audio sector, but for how much success they have found on the web. In fact, on Indiegogo they reached a share of $ 3,343.539, a staggering figure. We bought them for $ 39 and therefore our impressions will be related […]

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