How to properly apply your nail polish?

A beautiful manicure is an evocative sign of how you like to take care of yourself. To have this beauty all the time, you have to know how to paint your own nail polish. The Maryton nail supply will elaborate in the following article. You will know everything below!
Prepare your nails well before applying the varnish
To do this, you must start by cleaning and brushing your nails to get rid of all the impurities that may have lodged there. If your nails are yellow, you can add a few drops of white vinegar to your water. Next, your nails should be filed, always working in the same direction and scrupulously avoiding back and forth movements. Then, push back the cuticles with a wooden stick. Finally, moisturize your hands and nails, emphasizing those famous cuticles.
Do your manicure well
Apply a base coat, which is essential to protect the nails from sometimes aggressive manicures. It is advisable to apply at least two coats of varnish. Three brush strokes are enough on each nail to be varnished. Between each layer, it is recommended to wait 15 minutes. To finish, put a top coat, on the layers of varnish. This will allow your nail polish to hold over time, but also protect and give a nice finish to your manicure or pedicure.
You now know how to properly apply your nail polish and have all the keys in hand to have beautiful, clean and healthy nails every day. As instruments to the manicure, we offer you lots of manicure sets. If you prefer disposable products you will also find them on our nail supply store online.
Read also: How to take care of your nails?